It is difficult to imagine that before WWI Cue was home to more than 10000 residents.
Once a scene for two very different type of fevers, gold and typhoid, now majority of its buildings are abandoned. Cue is frozen in time and after our visit we are sure that the occasional old prospectors' tools and old bottles are not the only things that remained abandoned there from its turbulent past.
Most houses are open to the public as they were left and available for the brave to venture into them after dark. A word of caution, it is wise to check into the local police station and let them know that you will be gallivanting around with torches at night. You will be surprised how cooperative they are. At the time we visited Cue we had the patrol car pulling alongside us a few times inquiring "Anything yet???"
For a friendly stay check into the Queen of Murchison Bed and Breakfast on Austin Street in Cue, (ph:08 99631625 )which is also reputedly haunted and for a good yarn you cannot go passed the local storyteller and tour guide Nabil Haji Rowland and his wife Lucena Mata on Post Office St. in Cue (ph:08 99631081)